Category: Travel

  • Vietnam Bike Tour – part V

    Vietnam Bike Tour – part V

    Day four – 20 Oct 2015 After the excitement of day three and consequent late arrival at the hotel, this morning we are presented the choice of a boat trip to Phong Na cave, or a steep 330 step climb to Tien Son cave, that we would have done yesterday if we’d arrived early enough.…

  • Vietnam motorbike tour part IV – man down

    Vietnam motorbike tour part IV – man down

    Another early start takes us out into the morning mist of busy Khe Sanh town on day three, just round the corner for breakfast at a street side open air pho (pronounced fur) shop. This is pho as good as it gets we are assured by those in the know. It’s authentic and tasty, but…

  • Vietnam motorbike tour part III

    Vietnam motorbike tour part III

    My alarm is set for 6am, but the roosters and dogs of the village are set for an hour before that. It’s a misty start up here in the hills, where the village is already busy by the time we give in and get out of bed. After breakfast we head back out across the…

  • Vietnam motorbike tour part II

    Vietnam motorbike tour part II

    Following the river crossing of limited success, Lee stays off the beaten track. We’ve been gaining altitude steadily all day and by now are into the jungle. We head along an extended loose, rocky path, dotted with small dwellings, piglets dashing from the undergrowth as we approach. For a complete off road noobie like me,…

  • Vietnam motorbike tour part I – Triskaidekaphilia

    Vietnam motorbike tour part I – Triskaidekaphilia

    We fly up to Da Hang from Saigon, minibus to hotel and meet up with the rest of the gang: Boyd’s son Jake and his friends Nick and John. Next day, we are shuttled to the garage of the bike tour, where the central focus of this whole trip starts in earnest. We are introduced…

  • Second bit of jeep

    Second bit of jeep

    Ok, so Boyd and Paul and Roy arrived. Beer and rain and food and fun was had. Back to the jeep tour: After the sights, we head off to a famous place for seafood. HCM district 4. A finer choice of edible snails I have never seen. There are safer options like giant shrimp should…

  • Vietnam day 2+ – war, deathbikes, rain and jeeps.

    Vietnam day 2+ – war, deathbikes, rain and jeeps.

    We seem to have Forrest Gumped just the right amount off tiredness to offset the time difference, so wake bright and early and mostly refreshed. Breakfast is an apparently, to western palates, random assortment. We get stuck in to breakfast spring rolls, breakfast spicy beef soup, and how much minced pork would you like in…

  • Good evening Vietnam

    Big jolly this year is Vietnam. We have a motorbike tour for six days in the middle, bookended with city breaks in Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) and Hanoi. I used up pretty much all of my annual leave for this trip so by the middle of October was champing at the bit to get away.…