I’m Danny, but I go by the name Zeebad in games and on forums. Movie bad guys always seem cooler than the heroes and I end up rooting for them. You know, Darth Maul, Agent Smith, The Joker and the like. I’m old enough for The Magic Roundabout to have been a key part of my childhood, so when Zebedee’s evil brother Zeebad was introduced in the CGI film, I couldn’t resist nicking his name. He makes for a funky avatar too.
I have a motorbike. A Triumph Tiger 1050. I love it. Check my blog for motorcycling adventures.
I work for Pie Web Ltd. We make websites, and make whizzy stuff happen to websites. A fair amount of WordPress stuff, including heavy lifting in the background to add all sorts of cool and bespoke functionality, but lots of other stuff too. Gimme a shout if you need something webby.